Past Events
Facility Cleanup Work Party
Dates: Last weekend in March
Time: 9am to 2 pm
Location: SWRR Center
The Cleanup Work Party takes place annually in March just before the Open House event to prepare the facilities for visitors. Please join us and help with this effort. There is always a lot of cleaning and straightening to be done before the Open House event.
Remember all the chores that were done to close down the center in the fall? Now we have to do them to open in the spring! Weather permitting, outside work will happen along with preparing the inside for aanother busy baby bird season. We have a few rakes and tools but would appreciate you bringing your own, if possible. Come and reconnect with your fellow rehabbers and have a few fun hours of work on Saturday and Sunday. Hope to see you all there.
Annual Open House, Facility Tours and Baby Bird Shower
This event is held on the first Saturday in April every year. For more information on this event please see our Open House web page. This is a great time to bring your children, family members and friends to see what we do and meet some of our animals. For those considering volunteering for SWRR this is a great opportunity to talk to our staff, meet our animals and see our facilities.

Salmon Festival
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Date: 3rd Saturday in October
Shasta Wildlife maintains a booth at the Salmon Festival every year. Our volunteers will be available to answer your questions. For more information see the Coleman Fish Hatchery website.
Friday October 25th from 6pm to 8pm at our Center in the Anderson River Park

In 2018 our FUNdraiser team held our very first Halloween event inspired by Sulphur Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation facility’s “Unhaunted House” event. (one of our sisters south)
We transformed our Center into a semi-creepy wildlife facility. Guests began the Creeptastic tour in the lobby decorated to the hilt with halloween decor. As guests toured the interior of the Center building, ambassador animals were featured in the rooms with various themes. The last room had a reptile room where those brave enough got to hold snakes.

The tour continued in our courtyard where guests had their palm read by a fortune-telling raccoon. Photo opportunities with Darth Vader and his storm troopers was a courtyard favorite for all ages. Face painting, crafts and refreshments (not this year) also filled the courtyard. (We will not do the refreshment table again but will instead give water bottles to our thirsty guests until they are gone. Mount Shasta Spring Water donated two cases for the event – Thank You Mount Shasta Spring Water!!)
Our large aviary was for those who wanted a scare. Zombies, vampires and other creepy costumes await in there to scare guests who dare.

We learned a lot, had a lot of fun and had great feedback from our guests. So we will do it again this October 25th from 6pm to 8pm
There will be other activities in the park. “Trunk-or-treat” begins at 5pm and other activities have been rumored – This event will be worth your trip! So come down and create a creeptastic family experience that will last a lifetime!!!
December 03 6AM to 8PM
Schedule your gift starting November 19th

Shasta Wildlife is participating in our North state’s Giving Tuesday powered by the Shasta Regional Community Foundation. This annual event takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in November every year. It is your opportunity to donate to your favorite nonprofit organizations in just one place. This is an online event. Just go to and browse through the participating nonprofit organizations that have been properly vetted by our Shasta Regional Community Foundation. It is quick, easy, and your tax-deductible receipt is issued to you via your email address within minutes. This event takes place on December 3rd this year from 6am to 8pm. Lots of incentive pools mean your donation goes further.
Last year this movement raised over one million dollars. Shasta Wildlife earned $1500.00 during this event. That endowment afforded Shasta Wildlife to build one satellite aviary. Shasta Wildlife is looking forward to building two more satellite aviaries for the 2020 busy wildlife rehabilitation season.
With the wildfire destruction these past summer, every native wild animal injured or orphaned needs our intervention more than ever before. We need more enclosures to properly do our job at the highest of standards for proper rehabilitation and successful releases. Please consider Shasta Wildlife when you donate to your favorite charity this coming Giving Tuesday.
Visit up to 2 weeks in advance to schedule your donation.
Shasta Wildlife thanks you in advance for your support to this vital effort!

Preshow beverages & Hors d’oeuvres at 6:45pm
Curtain at 7:30pm
Call Patti B for tickets at 530-549-4816
By email:
Annual Run For the Wild
A Message to Our Loyal Supporters: SWRR regrets to inform our past participants that the the annual Run for the Wild has been canceled for 2015 and beyond. We would like to thank everyone for their support in all of our 14 previous events. The annual Open House, Facility Tours and Baby Bird Shower that was held in conjunction with the “Run” will continue to take place as it has in past years. For more information on this event please see our Open House web page.
Race results for all the previous races are posted on the SWEAT Running Club website. Click here to access them.
Art on the Wild Side
This event is no longer held. This event was held twice and featured artists and their work, with a focus on wildlife.
Bonhams Consignment Appraisal Event
This event is no longer held. For assistance with antique appraisals and/or consigning antiques for auction, contact Carole for referrals:
email:, phone: 530 241-4063.
For information on consigning pieces for auction, appraisals for insurance, charitable donations and other services, contact Steve Turner of Stephen G. Turner & Associates: email:, web:, phone: 415 503-3222.