Become a Member or Make a Donation
Where Your Dues and Donations Go
SWRR is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible. We operate solely on income from donations from SWRR members, volunteers, the general public, sponsors and occasional grant funds for designated projects. We depend on the generosity of community members and organizations. Shasta Wildlife volunteers provide food and medical care to over 100 different species of birds, mammals and reptiles from all over Northern California. Each year our volunteers care for 1000 or more injured, orphaned, and sick animals with the goal of releasing them back into the wild. There are numerous expenses that we incur to care for these animals. We spend over $15,000.00 in expenses per year on food alone. In 2014 we took in 867 birds, 140 mammals and 6 reptiles, for a total of 1,013 animals. We were able to release 471 (46%) of the animals back to the wild. In addition we put on 38 “Ed Animal” demonstrations at numerous venues in Shasta and Tehama Counties. In 2015 we took in a total of 1,026 animals.
Apply to Volunteer for SWRR
To apply to become a new volunteer with SWRR, go to our Volunteer Opportunities web page. On that page is an “Application Forms Packet” which includes the “Membership Application Form” mentioned below.

Make a Donation, Become a Member and/or Renew a Membership
To become a new member, renew your membership and/or make a contribution, download the Membership Application Form (pdf file, 86 kB). Members will receive our news letter, “Call of the Wild” and may attend functions put on by our organization.
Donate Through
You can also donate via the Amazon Wish List program. This is a gift registry which contains a list of supplies and materials that we need for our wildlife rescues and to help maintain the Center. You can purchase these items and have them shipped directly to us. To see and use the SWRR Wish List click here.

Donate With Your FoodMaxx Purchases
You can make a donation to SWRR through the FoodMaxx Shares program. Just give the checkout clerk the SWRR phone Number (530-365-9453) and FoodMaxx will donate 3% of your purchase amount to SWRR.
Donations of Supplies and Materials
SWRR is always in need of donations of supplies and materials. For a list of typical suggested items, please download the Supplies Needed list (pdf file, 265 kB). You can bring them to us during our April Open House and Baby Shower. During the active season in Spring and Summer you can also drop them off at our Center in Anderson River Park. Please see our About Us web page for information on staffing hours, maps and directions.

Photo above – Karlene Stoker, SWRR PR Coordinator. She is seen here picking up much needed donated items for the Open House and Baby Shower from Jessica Skropanic of the Record Searchlight newspaper. Jessica is an ardent supporter of SWRR.
Donations Via Our Virtual Yard Sale
Join our Virtual Yard Sale. Click here or on the image for the flyer (jpg file, 963 kB).
Every year we hold numerous fund raising and public awareness events. You can help us by attending, assisting, sponsoring and promoting these events. For a current event calender please visit our Coming Events web page.
Every year a number of individuals and businesses help by sponsoring our activities. See our Sponsors web page for a list of those groups who have assisted and how they have helped. If you or your business would like to become a sponsor, see our Contact Us web page to have an SWRR board member call you to discuss this. For a brochure and sign-up form click here (pdf file, 424 kB).
Planned Giving
One of the special ways you can donate to SWRR is through your estate. You can make a gift or bequest that costs nothing during your lifetime that will provide future support for our wildlife. To do this you include a gift to SWRR from your will or trust (cash, specific property, or a share of the estate). There are also many other legal, estate and tax planning techniques you can use to make a gift. Here are some examples of these techniques:
- you can donate your home, continue to live in it, and get a tax deduction.
- you can contribute a portion of the value of your residence or other property, take a tax deduction, and receive cash or an income stream for life.
- you can use appreciated securities instead of cash to make your gift while avoiding the capital gains tax on the appreciation.
- you can receive a sum of cash in return for your gift and apply the cash towards any financial need.
- you can set up a Charitable Lead Trust, a Retained Life Estate or a Charitable Bargain Sale.
- you can establish a deferred gift annuity.
See our Contact Us web page to have an SWRR board member call you to discuss these and other options.

Are you concerned about our wildlife?
Join Shasta Wildlife Rescue