Shasta Wildlife


A Very Unique Rescue Story: Archimedes the Great Horned Owl

By: Raven Jeanne Capozzo General Manager of SWRR Rescue, rehabilitate and release. That is our business here at Shasta Wildlife. It's actually our legal name: Shasta Wildlife Rescue, Rehabilitation & Release Inc. (SWRR). We are a non-profit wildlife rehabilitation facility that serves wildlife in need in Shasta, Siskiyou, Trinity, Tehama, Lassen, …

Turkey Vulture Fun Facts

Cathartes aura The new world turkey vulture is found throughout all north and south America. They have an amazing wingspan of around six feet and can weigh up to five pounds. These beautiful birds of prey can live up to 35 years in the wild. The turkey vulture feeds primarily on a …

The Ravens

If you receive Shasta Wildlife newsletters, you may recall in the Summer/Fall 2017 issue a story about The Ravens. Our editor took my 3 page story and hacked it down to two pages to fit in the newsletter. Much of their story was cut so I thought this blog might …

The Red Tailed Hawk Rehab

In early December a call came in from a concerned community member in the Burney area. A red-tailed hawk on the ground; it was rumored in the small rural town that it had been shot. Rumor was that it had been eating someone’s free roaming chickens from their yard. If you …