Center Hours of Operation
All intakes must go through a phone assessment first. Please do not bring animals to the Center until you have spoken to us and made arrangements with species manager.
Spring & Summer – The SWRR Center is staffed with volunteers from late April or early May through late August or early September for the baby bird season. Phone calls are checked every few hours. All intakes must have phone assessment before being admitted.
Fall & Winter – Between the months of September and April the Center is closed. Phone messages are checked every two hours between 8 am and 8 pm, seven days a week, all year.
Volunteer Opportunities With SWRR
To find out about volunteering with SWRR please go to our Volunteer Opportunities web page.
Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc. (SWRR) is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We are dedicated to conducting activities that educate and encourage our community to value the connection between people and the natural environment.
Shasta Wildlife volunteers provide food and medical care to over 100 different species of birds and mammals from all over Northern California. Each year our volunteers care for more than 1,000 injured, orphaned, and sick animals with the goal of releasing them back into the wild.
Licensed by both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, SWRR actively cooperates with both these and other local animal control authorities. Injured and confiscated wildlife are routinely turned over to our organization for care.
In addition to our primary concern, SWRR is an active participant in non-invasive wildlife research and sponsors educational programs to help encourage awareness of the problems wildlife encounter.
Much of the trauma experienced by wildlife is a result of their interaction with humans such as vehicles, gunshot wounds, dogs, cats, pesticides, power lines, fences, and habitat destruction. SWRR seeks to offset these hazards through its ongoing rehabilitation and educational programs, and by encouraging mankind to learn to appreciate, respect, and protect wildlife.
SWRR was established in Redding, Shasta County, California in 1979. For information on our founding members, contributors and the history of our organization please visit our SWRR History web page.
Become a Member and/or Donate to SWRR
We need your help. For information about membership and donations please see our Membership & Donations web page.
More Information
You can download our SWRR brochure (pdf file, 2.1 MB). For contact information see our Contact Us web page.
Visiting the Center
Due to Covid precautions and a catastrophic loss of volunteers this past year, our Center is operating under new protocols. Please call before taking an animal to the Center as we have adjusted our intake process. Animals must go through a phone assessment before we will admit them. We have many satellite facilities in operation and may need the animal to go to one of those specialized volunteers instead of the Center. Our hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day, but that does not guarantee that anyone will be at the Center to assist you. We check phone messages remotely throughout the day between those hours and will return your call. We cannot give tours and are not accepting any visitors at this time, but if you have questions please call us and we will be happy to help.
Directions and Maps to the Center
Our facility is located in Anderson River Park. For help getting to our facility please go to our Directions and Maps web page. For another perspective on Anderson River Park click here.
Our Facility
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This Golden Eagle recuperated at SWRR from an injury.