SWRR News and Notes
Current Status of the Center
For hours, staffing and directions to the Center see our About Us web page.
New Location for ACC meeting
The ACC meeting location has changed. Please see the Coming Events web page for more information.
New Ways to Support SWRR
SWRR has added a number of new ways to support our organization. Please see our Membership and Donations web page for more information.
Five Year Old Marley Helps SWRR
A tradition in the Allan-Wadley family has been for their children to choose what they would like for their birthdays. For five year old Marley, that special gift was to invite Shasta Wildlife Rescue’s Ed Animal Team to make a presentation at her School. Having seen SWRR’s booth at a local event, she was inspired to make this most unusual request.
When Patti Blasquez, SWRR Ed Team Volunteer, arrived at Marley’s school in January, 2015 to put on the presentation, she was greeted by a most amazing sight. Little Miss Marley had parked a child’s wagon at her school to collect donations of needed items for SWRR. In addition, she collected monetary donations of over $150. In Patti’s decades of experience with wildlife educational programs, she had never experienced anything to match this unique experience. When Miss Marley reaches an age where she can volunteer at SWRR’s Center, she would be most welcomed!

Marley’s donation wagon and her certificate of appreciation.
SWRR Attends Earth Day
SWRR attended the 2nd annual Shasta College Earth Day celebration April 23, 2015. We had a booth along with Kehwani the owl, one of our Ed Animals. The program was sponsored by the Shasta College Foundation.

New Freezers for the Center
Thanks to Nancy and Marily, Carmonas Appliance Center will be delivering two large, frost-free freezers in April, 2015. Carmonas waived the delivery and installation charges.
SWRR Gets Grant in 2015
SWRR received a grant of $1000 for medical expenses for rescued wildlife animals from the Scripps Howard Foundation. We would like to thank them for this gift and also for the gift in 2014 (see below). We would also like to thank Jessica Skropanic and Evelyn Peterson, both from the Record Searchlight for assisting us in applying for this grant.

Pictured left to right, Carole Berry (SWRR), Evelyn Peterson (Record Searchlight) Kar Stoker (SWRR) and Jessica Skropanic (Record Searchlight)
SWRR Gets Two Grants in 2014
SWRR received a grant of $7500 for food for injured/orphaned wildlife from the Animal Welfare Endowment Fund which was announced September 25, 2014. For more information see: Animal Welfare Grants Announced.
SWRR received a grant of $1000 for medical expenses for rescued wildlife animals from the Scripps Howard Foundation. To see the press release click here (pdf file, 18 kB). We would like to thank them for this gift. We would also like to thank Jessica Skropanic of the Record Searchlight for assisting us in applying for this grant.

SWRR Gift Shop Open for Business The SWRR Gift Shop is now open. We have a number of items for sale with our logo on it. Items available include t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs and more. To visit our Gift Shop click here.
Shasta Wildlife Rescue Wins First Place Prize at the 2012 County Fair This year we won the first place prize at the Shasta District Fair at the Shasta Fairgrounds for our display booth. The ribbon also comes with $100 in prize money which will go towards our wildlife rescue program. Credit goes to Lynda F. and Irish R. for the design of the display. Also special thanks go to Janet S., Vicky C. and Jenifer L. for taking several hours on a Sunday to help to set everything up.

Our booth and ribbon
Progress on the New Hunting Aviary
We would like to thank several people and companies for their very generous help with our new Aviary. The new addition will help ease our overcrowding and will allow for a much more natural hunting situation for the young birds of prey that need to learn to hunt their food prior to being released.
SWRR was proud to receive a grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife fine money for the construction of the aviary. We broke ground in late January, 2011 when the weather was nice. The construction includes a new handicap parking space. The entire project is now complete and will be available for the public to see during the Baby Bird Shower after the Run for The Wild.
A special thank you to David Peppel Construction, 530 222-1478 for donating much appreciated hours of labor and managing the project so we can get it completed. Without his wonderful dedication to SWRR and the project we would not be off the ground. Thank you David!
Additionally we want to thank the following people:
Harry Peppel for donating his valuable time and equipment
Rich Wiker for donating his valuable time
Jim Pope for donating his valuable time
These businesses were very generous in their discounts of material for the project:
Meeks Lumber – David Blevins
Axner Excavating – Julie Axner
J.F. Shea Redding (Shasta Redi-Mix) – Jim McKone

The aviary during construction
SWRR Receives Two Grants in 2011
The Shasta County Department of Public Works recently distributed California Department of Fish and Wildlife fine money. Shasta Wildlife Rescue applied for a grant to construct a new aviary and was granted $4500 from this fund. It is often that we just do not have enough room to properly divide and separate the birds in our care. We are very grateful to be awarded this grant.
This structure will be built in our yard for the rehabilitation and of songbirds. It will be constructed with volunteer labor and should be completed in time for the 2011 baby bird season. This aviary is can be divided into either 3 small housing areas, 2 larger areas, or one very large area, depending on how many of each species we have in our care. It will be a wonderful and much needed addition to our rescue and rehab efforts.
Volunteers are always needed for this type of project, if you think you want swing a hammer for a weekend and would like to lend a hand please send us an email and we will be happy to have your help.
The Shasta Regional Community Foundation has awarded Shasta Wildlife Rescue a grant for $8300 from Redding Rancheria to replace the aging heating and air conditioning unit at our rescue center in Anderson.
The unit we have is very old and has been less than efficient over the last few years. When our busy season runs into and through the hottest times of the year it is important that our volunteers and patients be kept comfortable. We are grateful to Redding Rancheria for this grant and are looking forward to having the new system installed before we open in April 2011.
SWRR Newsletter
Call of the Wild – Fall/Winter, 2016 (pdf file, 4.7 MB)
Call of the Wild – Fall/Winter, 2015 (pdf file, 514 kB)
Call of the Wild – September, 2015 (pdf file, 248 kB)
Call of the Wild – May, 2015 (pdf file, 165 kB)
Call of the Wild – March, 2015 (pdf file, 327 kB)
Call of the Wild – September, 2014 (pdf file, 282 kB)
Call of the Wild – February, 2013 (pdf file, 701 kB)
Call of the Wild – August, 2012 (pdf file, 759 kB)
Call of the Wild – March, 2012 (pdf file, 244 kB)
Call of the Wild – December, 2011 (pdf file, 692 kB)
Call of the Wild – February, 2011 (pdf file, 934 kB)
Call of the Wild – June, 2010 (pdf file, 661 kB)
Call of the Wild – May, 2009 (pdf file, 346 kB)
SWRR and Wildlife in the News
Record Searchlight:
Note that the Record Searchlight is now requiring a subscription to view most of their on-line news articles.
Most of of their articles that were listed here in the past are no longer available and the links have been
Women rescue a dozen baby opossums
Anderson Valley Post:
Note that the Anderson Valley Post has merged with the Record Searchlight. Their news articles are no
longer available on line. Some of their articles are still available at the Internet Wayback Machine and are
linked below:
Recuperating Raptor (photo of the week)
SWRR Partners With River Romance Cruises
Volunteers rescue area wildlife
West Nile Virus found in Anderson
Wildlife get second chance at refuge in river park
Wildlife rescue group a lifesaver for songbirds
ANewsCafe.com Magazine
Bonhams Antique Appraisers Return to Redding to Help Animals
Open House-‘Baby Shower’ For Orphaned Baby Wildlife
Spring Babies
SWM, Wild By Nature, Seeks Good Nester
What’s Good for the Goose? Parkview Traffic, Apparently
Wildlife Rescue
Sneaking Bliss Blog
Shasta Wildlife Rescue Open House 2015
Volunteering for Bliss
Whimsday Bliss Vuture Visit
Other News & Magazine Articles:
7 ducklings rescued from depths of storm drain KRCR channel 7 News
10000 Birds – Anderson River Park Never Disappoints
A Nuttall’s Woodpecker And The Ospreys For Bird Photography Weekly – The Birder’s Report
Avian Protection Plan – PG & E (pdf file, 405 kB)
Bald Eagle Rescue – Caltrans News
Bald Eagle Rescue Letter of Appreciation – Caltrans District 2 Newsletter (pdf file, 1.3 MB)
Born to be Wild – Enjoy Magazine
Life is Wild at this Rescue Center – Mountain Valley Living
One hot hawk’ sparks discussion on wildlife and heat – KRCR channel 7 News
Radio Interview (mp3 file, 7 MB) – Enjoy Magazine
Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation – The Birder’s Report
Shasta Wildlife Rescue has busy season – East Valley Times (pdf file, 2.3 MB)
The story of Snowshoe the lynx – Bend Bulletin
The story of Snowshoe the lynx – High Desert Museum
Three bobcats almost ready to be released into wild – Gilroy Dispatch
Volunteers unite to return fallen eaglet to nest – KRCR channel 7 News
Wild Things (jpg file, 1039 kB) – Enjoy Magazine
Note: for several additional articles see our Rescue Stories web page.
Kar Stoker tube feeding an opossum.
Courtesy Of Mary Livingston, Sneaking Bliss Blog.